Sunday, November 4, 2007


The day started, for me at least, at the kids school. It's a Halloween parade!
First came Dorothy...

The came the pyschotic doctor, note the blood on his scrubs
Then they came home, Dorothy allowed pictures, the insane doctor ran away.
He was trying to run again, but I got him...
Checking the take so far. Think his bag is big enough?

Apple Picking

We made our annual trip to upstate New York to wander around in a orchard of apples. The picking wasn't as good this year, but as usual the kids didn't care.
Daddy, Higher! Higher, come on what's wrong with you, help me get that apple!
I don't see any apples, but I'll climb the tree anyway
Though Mommy, as usual, has no idea what she's don't want the ones from the ground.

Bart helped her out, she's on the right track now.

1st Day of School

Hey, it's been a while, apparently I'm not taking enough pictures since I haven't posted anything in a while but here are some pics of Bella on her first day of school. She was a little nervous, but with a gently push from Mommy, got on the bus...

She even waved goodbye to us...